Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Depressing, isn't it?

Only a day has passed since the game was announced, but Six Days in Fallujah is already stirring up controversy among veterans, families and peace groups, according to GamePolitics.

Today's post is far from exciting. A simple misplaced comma, nothing more. The truth is, the headlines recently just aren't interesting enough for me to want to read the articles, so this is the best I could find from what I've read. A depressing state of affairs, indeed.



  1. I'm retarded. Which coma was misplaced?

  2. Maybe 'misplaced' is the wrong term here. It's actually missing. Any list of three or more objects should have a comma after each, so the correct version would be "veterans, families, and peace groups."

  3. Okay, yeah, that's what I was thinking. Either that, or an apostrophe...

    "veterans' families, and peace groups".

  4. If that were the case, though, they would have to omit the comma.

  5. That comma before "and" isn't actually necessary.

  6. While it may not be technically necessary, I stand by my statement, as it's still good form.

  7. "If that were the case, though, they would have to omit the comma."

    Right, but if that were the case, then a "misplaced" comma would have been more correct, since it would have been placed there instead of an apostrophe.

    I mean, come on, we're talking about the proper use of language here... Don't YOU check these things? ;)
